Happy Caturday! Peyton here from the Content Gallery! If you don’t know me well, you will learn that I LOVE cats, coffee, and conversations. I’m the resident cat lady, if you will.
Since I’ll be talking A LOT about my cats, I thought I’d introduce you to the crew. I have three cats, all girls, and all divas. Bella and Stella are sisters I rescued when they were about five weeks old. Lola, we rescued about a year later. She was around five or so when we got her. She was in a home with other cats that were not so nice to her so, we gladly took her in.
They each have their own personalities which keep me on my toes. Bella is my lovebug. She’s a cuddler and very sweet and affectionate. She LOVES when I hold her like a baby. Stella, her sister, is the opposite. I call her my “Regina George” kitty, pretty but kinda mean lol. Lola is the most chill, polite, and sweet cat. She likes to be near you and hangout but not be held. She is a great company keeper. They love toys and treats and they tend to wake me up earlier than my alarm when they are ready for breakfast.
So now that you know a little bit about my girls, I need your help. I want to dress them up for Halloween. Realistically, the only one I could probably get away with dressing up is Bella. I am leaning toward a Bumble Bee. I also considered a Devil or a Princess since both fit her. You can let me know on our socials what you think and closer to Halloween, I’ll let you know what I chose.
Got an idea, comment, or question? Email content@rmgmwfb.com
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